Java API
You'll need xqk.jar. API docs are here. JDK 1.8 or higher. Simplest usage looks like this:
// Instantiate a CompressorDecompressor, the core of XQK:
new CompressorDecompressor() // com.xqk.CompressorDecompressor
// Call its execute(), used for both compression and decompression:
// Pass a true TMB to indicate we're compressing, not decompressing;
// note that XQK generally favors TMBs over boolean primitives:
new TrimodeBoolean(true), // com.xqk.tmb.TrimodeBoolean
// The input file, the file to be compressed:
new File("path/to/file.ext"),
// The output file, the XQK archive:
new File("path/to/file.ext.xqk")
Similarly, extracting an archive looks like this:
new CompressorDecompressor()
new TrimodeBoolean(false),
new File("path/to/file.ext.xqk"),
new File("path/to/file.ext")